This month was all about being fast and these are the recordings of the sessions.
Richard Powell
Graham Morley
Oli Wood
Because of a problem with the camera we have lost Oli’s words to history, but his slides are available on Speaker Deck. Sorry about that. If you are looking for work CANDDi are hiring.
Paul Callaghan
Stefan Dantchev
This month we will be moving fast and focusing on speed.
Super Mondays favourite Richard Powell returns and will be talking about front end development focusing on speed.
Graham Morley will cover the psychology of speed, how website load times have an impact on user experience and conversion, and how to design in an impatient world.
Paul Callaghan will briefly introduce Elixir, a relatively new language which combines the flexibility of Ruby syntax with the mature technology of Erlang, with the aim of making it easier to develop complex and massively scalable apps. This has clear relevance to speed via multi-core programming.
Oli Wood will pass on his experiences of performance tuning and talk about some of the speed optimisations Canddi have been making recently.
Stefan Dantchev will talk about new uses of randomness in algorithms to achieve a good balance between run-time costs and optimality of results. That is, whether we can get a reliably “good enough” result in a reasonable time rather than a very good result in an impractical or even infeasible time.